Saturday, May 19, 2012

Laksa on a Rainy Tuesday Night

It rained the other night. Cool break from the heat. Time for Laksa at Kopi Tiam...

I think this is a good example of a fusion dish long before that "F" word was conceived, reflecting various influences from Indian, Chinese and Malay cuisine. The blend of flavors, ingredients and spices make this a truly unique dish. A popular spicy noodle dish tracing it origins from Peranakan roots, the fusion of Chinese and Malay cultures have resulted in some pretty interesting and unique dishes. 

Loaded with squid balls, fish cakes, tofu strips, large shrimps and tender chicken breast, it's a filling bowl. And the richness of the coconut milk blends well with the curry spices and heat from the chili flakes. 

The combination of flavors linger long after your through, and the heat from the various spices leave you with  a slight sweat. which cools you from the humidity after the rain.

Kopi Tiiam has one of the better tasting and authentic laksas (P 238) in the metro, check it out if you feel the need for a little heat.

Kopi Tiam is located at 3 Benitez, Horseshoe Area 20, Cubao, Quezon City or call 723-5674 for inquiries.

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  1. absolutely tasty delicious...excellent presentation with stunning cliks
    Tasty Appetite

  2. That looks really good and something that would be comforting to eat during the rainy days. Hmmm.. I don't think I have had some of this before. Looks good! :)

    1. Hi Adin, it's a nice spicy treat, and different too. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. What a lovely meal! I would like to taste it.

    1. Hi Marina, a complete meal in a bowl, thanks for stopping by!

  4. Mmmm! This is exactly my kind of soup! Screw those European cream-based ones. Spice-filled Asian soups rock. Haha. Love the color and contents of that soup. I could almost smell it from the screen. *drool*

    Babe for Food - your BFF in Cebu dining! :)

    1. Hey Justinne, and the flavors from this spicy soup really lingers, very cool! Thanks for popping in!

  5. Oh my, this looks absolutely scrumptious! It's making my tummy rumble!

  6. Looks so warm and yummy...Is it kinda spicy? Then it must be a great dish for a rainy day!

    1. Hi Ducky, it is, perfect for a rainy day. Thanks for popping in!

  7. Laksa, one of my faves, though rarely eaten. Time to hunt some out!

    1. Hi Anthony, here's to a good Laksa hunt! Great to hear from you Anthony!


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